Executive Board for 2022-2023
President - Victoria ung
Vice President - anqi chen
SECRETARY -derrick tran
VP of Events - Randy huynh
vp of markEting - boralina bory
Public relations Chair - Eileen Kang
graphics chair - Joanna Chen
historian - fiona leung
Philanthropy chair - andrew lu
Cultural chair - samuel nguyen
Year & Major? Senior & Public Affairs
Favorite Food & Dessert? Hủ Tiếu Khô & Mochi Ice Cream
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
We haven’t been able to host any in-person events on campus since the pandemic hit so it was special when we were finally able to host our first in-person fundraiser last spring. We had macaroons, viet coffee, and surprise spring rolls that so many enjoyed :) i loved being able to see our past e-board all together and to connect with other members of the Baruch community:) Hopefully more in-person events to come!
Year & Major? Senior & Management
Favorite Food & Dessert? Korean Corn Dogs & Shaved Ice
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
This was a hard question to answer, because I’ve been in VSA for all four years of my college time and I’ve made so many memories with VSA… If I was to choose my favorite it’s probably any of the ACE hangouts with my littos. I’m always laughing with them till my sides hurt and they always make my day better <3
Year & Major? Sophomore & Accounting
Favorite Food & Dessert? Pizza & Ice Cream
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why? During fall semester, it would be during after school hours where the club room was open and anyone can just hang out there. Not only would there be a ton of friendly people to talk to, but many people would give you advice on schoolwork, finding a job, or life in general. It's great because you get to meet a lot of people more than anywhere else in the school. Also you're not forced to sit in the library anymore :P
Year & Major? Junior & Finance w/ a minor in starry skies
Favorite Food & Dessert? Skewers & Smores
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
My first external VSA event at Bing Miss Asia last year. Not only did I get to experience an event we couldn’t do at our chapter but it also brought our board closer together. The late night walks and just enjoying each other's company and getting to know them better is really an unforgettable memory.
Year & Major? Sophomore & Business Management HR
Favorite Food & Dessert? Steak & Cake
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
Getting the opportunity to host my first cultural event “One Catch at a Time” as a shadow on e-board was a highlight for me. I got the chance to connect to my heritage as well as share my appreciation of fishing with fellow club members. Opportunities like that make VSA worth being a part of.
Year & Major? Sophomore & Biological Science
Favorite Food & Dessert? Pescatora Pizza & Pandan Madeleines
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
Would have to be my first ACE speed dating event as a new member where despite my initial hesitance in attending, it was where I met and began connecting with my big and other e-board members at the time, these amazing pepo being a pillar of support and inspiring me to get involved in VSA myself :D
Year & Major? Senior & Marketing Management
Favorite Food & Dessert? Tteokbokki & Bingsu
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
Bing Miss Asia! It was super memorable since I was able to hang out with past eboard and VSA members. I also got to experience an external event with people from different northeast VSAs. It was a blast, shoutout to Miss Korea! I had the most fun chilling at night and exploring Binghamton in the early morning with past eboard members. ♡
Year & Major? Senior & Digital Marketing
Favorite Food & Dessert? Ramen & Bingsu
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
My favorite memory was last year’s Paris By Night event. I think that the event was really well organized and showed how much effort the e-board put into the event to make it feel as though it was not over zoom/ online. I really enjoyed all the performers and loved the large variety of talent that was showcased. It was really fun!
Year & Major? Senior & International Business
Favorite Food & Dessert? Spam and Egg Instant Noodle Soup w/ Milk Toast & Mango Pomelo w/ Ice Cream
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
My favorite memory was the VSA Bake Sale. I think that memory was so incredible and very interactive. As clubs, we all want students to be involved and have fun during the process, whether it be a simple conversation or gesture amongst each other. I think that event was a collaborative process from all clubs since it was rush hour of staff and students in the building. I met many people during that event and worked with some of the clubs that were present at the time. I would also never forget screaming over the top of my lungs to get people’s attention.
Year & Major? Senior & Finance
Favorite Food & Dessert? Rice Noodles & Cheesecake
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
My favorite memory in VSA was the Ninth Rendition of Paris by Night, when I had to sing Adele’s Hello with just the word “Tank”
Year & Major? Sophomore & Accounting
Favorite Food & Dessert? Bun cha gio & Chocolate ice cream
Favorite Memory in VSA? Why?
Stonybrook Miss Asia because it was my first external and got to bond with some of the members I went with. Everyone was so friendly and I had a lot of fun hanging out and falling asleep on Derrick's shoulder.